CBSYNC – How to book, edit and cancel a room booking using the CBSync Add-In

  Cloudbooking Sync Service 2024

Making and amending a booking
Using Filters
Info Panel
Finding an alternative room for your meeting
Cancelling Bookings

Making and amending a booking

In your Outlook calendar, select ‘New Event’ in the top ribbon.

Add the title of your meeting, all attendees, and amend the date and time required, then select the CBSync Add-In icon to find a suitable room.

Once selected the add-in will open

The number of attendees will already be populated based on the attendees you have added in the Outlook invite.

The attendee numbers can be amended in the add in as there may be people who are attending via a teams meeting but don’t need to attend in person, enabling you to choose a room with less capacity.

If you have access to multiple sites you can switch the site by selecting ‘Sites’ which will bring up a selection of available sites.

All available rooms for the site you have selected will also be shown.

The capacity of each room is displayed under the room name, next to the person icon.

Using Filters

Filters can be applied to your search to enable you to easily find a suitable room for your meeting.

By clicking on the filter you wish to apply, you can access a dropdown which enables you to customise your room search accordingly.

You can filter via site, via resource or you can select if a room is accessible by adjusting the toggle on or off.

Info Panel

The ‘Info’ panel shows you additional information regarding the room and a picture, if available.

When you have selected your room filters accordingly, click ‘Apply’

Suitable rooms will now be listed.

Select the room you wish to book and click ‘Add to event’

The room will now be added to the location field on the meeting invitation and the confirmation message will prompt you to send the meeting invite.

Any further edits to the booking, including the repeats booking pattern, times, dates and number of attendees can be made in the outlook window.

Select ‘Send’ on your Outlook invite to complete the booking and invite the attendees.

The meeting will now appear in your Outlook calendar, the room calendar on the Cloudbooking portal and the calendar of invited attendees.

Finding an alternative room for your meeting

To find an alternative room for your booking, open the booking in Outlook and select the add-in to select a room that you would prefer to host your meeting in.

When you have made your selection, you will see it overwrite the location in your Outlook booking window.

Cancelling Bookings

The meeting can be cancelled entirely in Outlook, you will not need to open the Add-in to do this.

To cancel the meeting in Outlook, select ‘Cancel Meeting’ in the top left of the Outlook invite.

Outlook will ask you to confirm you would sill like to delete, select ‘Yes’ then select ‘Send Cancellation’ on the invite. This will remove the meeting from your Outlook calendar and inform the attendees of the cancellation.