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Remote Working Only Succeeds if Teams Remain Connected

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Achieve remote working success, if your teams remain connected

What is the key to remote working success? The term remote working is one that senior staff in most organizations are now very familiar with, particularly facilities managers and heads of HR.  Yet with organizations throughout the world realizing that they don’t have to have quite as much of their capital tied up in enormous buildings with huge overheads. The evolvement of remote working as the norm for many is beyond question. They too can create remote working success.

Benefits to employees’ lies in creating a better work-life balance, whilst for employers, the geographical restrictions of office-based businesses don’t apply.  They have the flexibility to hire the best people for their organization wherever they are.  Here at Cloudbooking it is fair to say that this is a topic very close to our heart. We have very much embraced remote working and have even developed some tips on managing a remote workforce for other businesses. 

Getting together

This meet-up, in the North of England is, we believe, a vital event in our summer calendar. Getting to know people and develop strong working relationships is crucial to ensuring a strong team. Our staff based all over the UK and we generally meet up in a city. This allows everyone a similar traveling distance. Time together will help cement a team together. The world is changing and the traditional work get-togethers no longer take place.

Acclaimed book, Managing the Mobile Workforce  is a must-read for all those organizations who wish to adapt. Cloudbooking refers to it constantly to ensure our working practices are right. Leaders need to provide their staff with the best technology to ensure everyone is pulling in the same direction. ‘Remote,’ can mean isolated and lonely. This can not be allowed to be the case when it comes to any workforce. Remote employees’ means keeping workers engaged and feeling part of a team.  Also, that they have access to the answers to the questions that will invariably arise in their day-to-day work.

Providing the remote working tools and technology to help to ensure workers understand and can carry out their duties just as if they would if they were office-based.  It is also essential for business leaders to remember that ‘remote working,’ also means organizations realizing that we are all social animals. Occasionally we all need to see our colleagues even if they are 600 miles away, or even on another continent.

Meetings, whether social or business have to be factored in – after all, in face-to-face situations relationships will flourish

Whilst bearing this in mind though, we must also realize we are in unchartered waters regarding remote working. The world of remote working is hugely positive for all organizations from SMEs to global corporations. It needs constant evaluation and the blueprint is still very much in the early stages. However, with such huge gains to be made it is the responsibility of those who have embraced this working revolution and give it the time and diligence it deserves.  Most of all, we need to remember remote working should only be remote in a physical sense.

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